New Product for rotary phone lovers! Possibly the only Phone System available to Call Room-to-Room! Not just for looks anymore: This was product was designed for nice looking antique rotary telephones or your rotary phone collection. If you have rotary phones in the house, and don’t use a home phone land line. Some of you have rotary phones and would love to use them in the house- calling from your office or bedroom, or to your workshop. Now you can put in this system to call between 5 phones in our house. Call each other for lunch or other things on a rotary phone! It has been a lot of fun to use. Never worry about a bill! Thats because you dont need a phone line to use . Features: Call from Phone 1 (bedroom, office, etc) to phone 2 ( kitchen, hallway, etc) Box operates up to 5 phones Does not require a telephone service Perfect for international buyers as this item has everything you will need to get your phones running.
NEW!! Call Preset Numbers with Multiple options:
Version 1: Individual calling with any 3 digit number-Each line has its own number that rings when dialed! Version 2: Individual calling with any 4 digit number-Each line has its own number that rings when dialed! Version 3: Individual calling with any 5 digit number-Each line has its own number that rings when dialed! New Features! Centralized calling (Ring all phones feature)-One number can produce a ring to all phones You can also request the UK ring tone as well. Buyer must message to choose the version, Custom numbers and optional ring tone they would like – Please message me at purchase!! Otherwise 4 digit default numbers will be supplied.
Parts included for Instant setup: 5 extension lines (4x 25 feet cable, 1x 100 feet cable) to get you completely set up! Technical manual Power supply 5x adapters (to connect unmodified or international phones) User may select the call number for each phone (Message me to select your numbers)
Compatibility: Rotary phones only, must be working and have a functioning bell. Does not operate with touch-tone phones (unless they have a pulse dial switch) Does not work using a commercial phone company (No Wiretapping, ever) Also NEVER connect to an external phone service as this will damage the exchange. Calling Numbers You can choose your own numbers when you order, or use preset Default numbers shown below :
5 number version: To call Line 1/phone1 dial 01211 Line 2./phone2- 01222 Line 3/phone 3- 01233 Line 4/phone 4- 01244 Line 5/phone 5- 01255
Ring all phone calling: 1111 4 number version: To call Line 1/phone1 dial 0121 Line 2./phone2- 0122 Line 3/phone 3- 0123 Line 4/phone 4- 0124 Line 5/phone 5- 0125 Ring all phone calling: 1111
3 number version: To call Line 1/phone1 dial 011 Line 2./phone2- 012 Line 3/phone 3- 013 Line 4/phone 4- 014 Line 5/phone 5- 015 Ring all phone calling: 111