Imperial Gold 202 with Ivory Catalin handset. These were 14 Kt gold plated and were given out to telephone employees with many years of service.
The Western Electric and Northern Electric 202 series telephones were the first widely distributed phones which adopted the use of a single handset rather than a separate transmitter and receiver.
In 1930 the Model 102 was modified with an elongated ovoid base. This revised mounting scheme was known as D1. At the same time the Model 202 - D1 was introduced on the same chassis with new "antisidetone" wiring .
The dial on the D1 chassis was recessed into the front of the phone as opposed to sitting on the frame as with the "102 V B1 mount". Model 202 - D1 telephones were manufactured until 1938.
Like the candlestick phone, the 102 and 202 contained only the switchhook and switch. The network and ringer were contained in a subset which was mounted on the wall. This 202 is been upgraded with a modern network in the base that eliminates the need for a separate subset. Due to space limitations in the chassis, there is no ringer internally, although external ringers are readily available.
Telephone is in very nice condition
Working telephone with a small ringer provided.